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Precision excision and tissue preservation

The VERSAJET II Hydrosurgery System uses a saline jet to facilitate precise debridement11-14 in one easy-to-use tool.3 Performing the tasks of multiple instruments1,4,11,15,16 the VERSAJET II System may help streamline and reduce debridement procedures*1,3,4,8-10 across various OR and outpatient settings.3,5,17-19


Product features

Medical Education


*Compared to traditional debridement methods.

**Compared to baseline.

Warning: This device should be used with particular care in patients with hemophilia or other blood clotting disorders and in patients receiving anticoagulant medication.

For detailed product information, including indications for use, contraindications, precautions and warnings, please consult the product’s Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to use.

  1. Caputo WJ, et al. International Wound Journal. 2008;5(2):288-294.
  2. Liu J, et al. International Wound Journal. 2015;12(4):456-461.
  3. Granick MS, et al. Wound Repair and Regeneration. 2006;14(4):394-397.
  4. Mosti G, et al. WOUNDS. 2006;18(8):227-237.
  5. McAleer JP, et al. Paper presented at: American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS); 2005.
  6. Smith+Nephew 2005. The use of VERSAJET™ in the limb salvage following failure of minor amputation in diabetic foot. Internal Report.
  7. Legemate CM, et al. Burns. 2019;45(1):88-96.
  8. Mosti G, et al. International Wound Journal. 2005;2(4):307-314.
  9. Murray F. Paper presented at: European Wound Management Association (EWMA); 2007; Glasgow.
  10. Granick MS, et al. WOUNDS. 2006;18(2):35-39.
  11. Rennekampff HA, et al. Burns. 2006;32(1):64 - 69.
  12. Hyland EJ, et al. BURNS. 2015;41(4):700-707.
  13. Rees-Lee JE, et al. European Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2008;31(4):165-170.
  14. Matsumura H, et al. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2012;69(5):521-525.
  15. Sivrioğlu N, et al. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2014;48(1):6-9.
  16. Hong CC, et al. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2014;43(8):395-399.
  17. Ferrer-Sola M, et al. Journal of Wound Care. 2017;26(10):593-599.
  18. Cubison CS, et al. . Burns, 2006. 32, 714-720.
  19. Chadwick P, et al. J Wound Care. 2009;18(10):433-437.
  20. Granick MS, et al. Ostomy Wound Management 2007;53(4):64-72.
  21. Schwartz JA, et al. Journal of Wound Care (APWH Supplement). 2014;23(9):S4-S13.
  22. Vanwijck R, et al. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. 2010;63(3):544-549.
  23. McCardle JE. British Journal of Nursing, 2006. 15, Tissue Viability Supplement.
  24. Matsumine H, et al. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2020;8(6).
  25. Klein MB, et al. Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation 2005;26(6):483-487.
  26. Chammas MF, et al. BJU International 2008;103(7):974-976.
  27. Siemers F, et al. Eplasty. 2012;12.

