Frequently asked questions

Supplier FAQ's

How should I invoice Smith+Nephew?

Our preferred invoicing method is electronic invoicing via Ariba.

Once you get a PO email notification, click on the “Process Order” button to get to Ariba, login, and select the option to create an electronic invoice that will automatically pull the PO data from the order.

Please note that the invoice description and quantity must match the PO (you can add a detailed description if required).

How do I create an electronic invoice in Ariba?
I cannot use Ariba for online invoicing – how do I submit a paper/pdf invoice?

If you cannot submit an electronic invoice via Ariba, please send it to the Smith+Nephew contact stated on the PO as Requester, or directly via the Accounts Payable contact form.

Note: The PO number must be referenced in the form and on the invoice.

I have issues with an Ariba online invoice
If you need further assistance in submitting the invoice via Ariba you can contact us via our contact form

If you have a tax or finance-related query regarding your invoice, please use the contact us form.

If you failed to submit your invoice via Ariba or you cannot use online invoicing, please use the contact us form to send your invoice copy, (Note: PO number must be referenced in the email and on the invoice)
My company details changed - how do I communicate this to Smith+Nephew?
Why was my invoice rejected?
There may be different reasons why your invoice was rejected by Smith+Nephew – please check the rejection comments visible in Ariba and in the invoice rejection notification. If you have doubts, you can contact us using the contact us form
I have different tax rates to be applied for one line item. How do I do it in Ariba online invoicing?
You can modify the line item section on your online invoice by copying the existing line and adding a different tax rate for the specific amount to each of the lines referring to the same PO item.
What is the difference between a PO and a PR number?
A PR (format PRXXXXX) is a Purchase Requisition – this number is assigned for the time of the requisition being processed internally in our system before it is fully approved and a PO (format POXXXXX) is generated and sent automatically to the supplier. As a supplier you should only use the PO number reference on all your invoices and communication with Smith+Nephew.
How having an Ariba Network account affects my Smith+Nephew orders and invoices?

Having an Ariba Account make the ordering & invoicing process more streamlined and efficient. The POs are sent automatically to our suppliers, who can invoice us easily using the PO flip / online invoice creation option in Ariba. Submitting your invoices in Ariba ensures faster processing and payment as well as swift resolution of any issues

Is Ariba account free?

Yes, the Standard Account in Ariba Network is free of charge. If you wish, you can upgrade to Enterprise Account that has more features – with a specified subscription fees information is available HERE


What I need to do to have Standard Account on Ariba Network?

You can register for a Standard Account in Ariba Network anytime, however, to transact business with Smith+Nephew, we must send you an invitation to register (with an option to login if you already have an Ariba Account with the AN ID number)

How do I receive orders from Smith+Nephew in Ariba?

You will receive an automated PO notification email from Smith+Nephew Ariba. In the email, you will need to select the “Process Order” option, which will bring you to Ariba login/register page. After you log in, you will be able to view the PO details & create online invoice. Ariba will auto populate the order information from the PO and to your invoice (PO flip). You will only need to add company specific information (remittance settings, tax, shipping, etc) and submit it. This way it will appear in our system automatically after you submit it.


How do I invoice an S+N order if I lose the email notification?

If you misplace a purchase order (PO) email notification, you have the following options:Resend the PO email: Log in to your Ariba Network standard account. In the PO list on the home dashboard of your account, click Select > “Send me a copy to take action” in the Action column next to the PO.Request a manual copy of the PO from your customer: After you have a copy of the PO, you can create and submit a non-PO invoice.

How does the PO process look?

After we get an offer from a supplier, a Smith+Nephew employee would raise a Purchase requisition in Ariba. Depending on the total amount/category of the purchase, the requisition will go through an internal approval process in the system. Once it is fully approved, the Purchase Order is released and sent automatically to the supplier email address that we have in our database. If we do not have a valid email address, requester of the PO would manually send a PDF copy of the PO to the supplier.

How do I know when my Invoice is going to be paid?

Scroll down to the Orders, Invoices and Payments search box and click on More to reveal an increased selection of tiles. The scheduled payment date for an Invoice is visible under the Invoice Pending Payment and is calculated by applying the agreed payment terms to the Invoice ‘Approved’ date.

Do I have to register a new account for each of my customers?
No, you can use the same Standard Account to transact business with multiple customers. When you receive a registration invitation, please make sure you use the login option (not the register option) and log in using your existing credentials. If you mistakenly created more than Account in Ariba Network – please inform us which AN ID is the valid one for Smith+Nephew orders.
Can I have a Standard Account for one customer but an Enterprise Account for another?

Yes, you can have a separate account for each customer (with a different Ariba Network ID and log in details) or you can consolidate all customer relationships under one account.

I forgot the password to my Ariba Account.

Go to Ariba Network Supplier login page and select the “Having trouble logging in?” option below the “Login” button.


If I have multiple buyers that invite me to use a Standard Account, can I consolidate these into one account?

Yes. When you receive the first purchase order via interactive email from a new buyer, you can login using your existing Ariba Supplier Network credentials. This will automatically establish a transaction relationship with your existing Ariba Supplier Network account and the new buyer.

