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Reaching consensus on best practice - expert plenary

As wound care clinicians seek guidance to overcome current challenges in post-surgical care, including surgical wound dehiscence, we’ll be inviting experts to analyse the findings of a new consensus document. Presented by Jeanette Milne and Melissa Rochon on Tuesday 7th November.

You can download the full consensus document underneath.

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Measure to improve – data capture in wound care

How can the success of wound care strategies be judged without measuring their impact? Our ‘made easy’ sessions highlighted the role and importance of data capture as a catalyst for improvements.

We held two sessions on Tuesday, 7th November (featuring Kerry Carmichael, Tissue Viability Nurse, City Health Care Partnership Hull) about:

  • Harnessing the benefits of continuous improvement strategies
  • Identifying practice trends and using data to develop your service
  • Real-world evidence of how an NHS Trust has implemented continuous improvement strategies


Do you want to know more about how digital wound management ecosystems can contribute to continuous improvement? Check out the summary here or click the button below for the full paper.

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The fast-paced world of wound care means giving clincians the solutions they need… but that can create a substantial amount of waste. As we all aim to safeguard precious resources, join us at our stand to learn how we’ve optimised our ALLEVYN packaging to help support sustainability objectives. Read more here

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